
Writing for the indecisive, the interdisciplinary and the endlessly curious.

Wandering Worlds: what does it mean?

While our planet if often referred to in the singular as ‘one world’, the idea of Wandering Worlds is that our planet, our ‘one world’, is actually made up of a billion tiny worlds intertwined and co-existing, wandering and interacting all the time.

Do you believe in having an endless, random variety of interests, curiosities, thoughts and questions about our intricate and fast changing planet, the people that inhabit it, and the societies and cultures that co-exist and overlap?

Well good…I created Wandering Worlds as a space to bring together all manner of topics, united by an interest in people, culture and the different worlds inhabited by different groups and individuals.

Like the physical act of wandering, for a while I’ve wanted to create a space where I can freely write about whatever topics I’ve been stumbling upon or thinking about at any particular time.


Find out more about me here.